Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Design your own baby!

3/04/2009 02:19:00 AM

Trait-selected babies are expected to be a reality as soon as 2010, says a Los Angeles fertility clinic.

Advanced reproductive technologies allow parents and doctors to screen embryos for genetic disorders and select healthy embryos.

But now, not only will this technology be used to just select healthy embryos, it will also be used for cosmetic reasons such as selecting the baby's hair colour, eye colour, and other traits.

Some say that this is going too far, but those are the same people that attempt to stunt the development of projects like this, only to find out it is inevitable that it will happen either way, they're just going to slow it down for people who want it - Although I doubt they'll even manage to do that much.

A lot of people seem to be jealous, because these embryos will develop into better-looking humans than they are!

But not me, because I got my brilliant looks through complete luck, so there's more skill in that, than getting them in a lab!

More information on Designer babies can be found here.


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