Teen fired for her Facebook status.
3/01/2009 05:57:00 AM
Teenager Kimberly Swann was fired for changing her Facebook status to say that she was bored at work - Without even naming the company she worked for.
But what has got me pondering is, that unless her boss was added to her Facebook friends list, how else would he have known what her status read? And who on Earth adds their boss on Facebook?
And if they weren't friends on Facebook, then what was he doing snooping about on her Facebook page?
Maybe this will help her mature into a reliable young woman. To take her job serious and to not waste the companies time and get paid for playing around on the internet.
Regardless of where she lives you are at work to make someone else money so you can trade hours for dollars. Now if you want to be on facebook and no body would probably care even though it'd set a bad example run your own business.
I've heard many times of people not getting hired or being fired becasue someone posted beer bong pictures or did something stupid.
Common sence, its a public domain so anyone can see what you post unless they hack your porfile or if you set the rights for them to see it as you can on facebook or myspace.
If she has her page public to all, then anyone can view her status changes. Most people don't know about the granular security that facebook gives them.
Don't do facebook at work??
I'd like to know who said she was at work using facebook. I did not see anything that made that statement people!
Most people who are fired from work find that it was the best for them. Now she's looking for a dream job. Something she wouldn't have done if she was at a boring job.
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